Fptm, Fnis, Fciota, Fipma (UK).Rector, Port & Terminal Management Academy of Nigeria.Date : 12th December,2024.Preamble:I feel humbled to be invited by News Emperor Magazine, the organizer of 2024 Season 2 Of the Students’ Entrepreneurial Development Seminar – (SEEDS), organized in collaboration with the distinguished institution of learning ” Certified Institute of Shipping. I therefore congratulations the organizer, the board and management of Certified Institute of Shipping for accepting a program like this for their students. Of notice, I appreciate the invitation of Mr. Ambrose Obioma Okehi, the convener of today’s event. I big thank you too all.

1. Introduction.The Maritime Industry is one of the most lucrative and oldest professional in history. It could be said that, it dated back into the existence of Mankind. The Maritime Industry engage the largest workforce in the history of employment mobilization and opportunities. The Maritime Industry is subdivided into three, namely: the Shipping Industry, the Logistics and Supply Chain Industry and the Port and Terminal Industry respectively.

The industry is full of Careers and Entrepreneurial opportunities ranging from being employee, self – employ, business ownership and investor-ship. This fact has opened students and graduates to unlimited employability opportunities.


The practice of career and entrepreneurship is opened up to national and international opportunities, with this, there exist a wide range of opportunities to future practitioners and professionals alike. The most common factors to career building and entrepreneurial opportunities in maritime industry are; knowledge, skills and competence which are obtained through globalized windows of learning, in which today’s program is one.


On this note, I sincerely appreciate the good works of NEWS EMPEROR MAGAZINE, the organizer of this seminar.


The beauty of today’s program is a corrective measure for students and graduates to be opened to the understanding of career building and entrepreneurial opportunities that potential candidates can venture into in the future.


2. Analysis Of Career Building, Entrepreneurship and Skills Acquisition in Maritime Industry.What is career?A career is a long-term professional journey that involves a combination of education, experience, and the jobs you hold along the way. It can also refer to the profession or occupation you pursue for a living. Here are some things to know about careers:Career vs.


jobA job is a role that you perform for money, while a career is a long-term endeavor that you build towards. A career is made up of many jobs, and each job you hold helps you gain experience and skills to move up the career ladder.


Career pathsA career path is the route you take to reach your career goals. It can take many years to fulfill a career, and the path you take may involve many different types of jobs. Career requirementsThe requirements for a career can vary widely, from a high school diploma to extensive education and training. For example, a career as a shipping practitioner or professional require extensive education, while a career as a documentation and operations may require extensive skills training.


Career goals attract the usage of SMART formula to create actionable career goals that are easy to attain.


You can also try to align your short-term and long-term goals, and find ways to connect your goals so you can achieve them faster.


What is entrepreneurship?Entrepreneurship is the process of starting and managing a business, often with the goal of making a profit. It involves taking on financial risk, being innovative, and identifying and seizing opportunities.


Entrepreneurs are responsible for organizing, managing, and assuming the risks of a business.


They can benefit from a flexible schedule, working from anywhere, and achieving a better work-life balance. However, they may need to invest more hours in the beginning to get their business off the ground.


Entrepreneurship can benefit many sectors, including large corporations and small businesses. Entrepreneurs can drive economic growth by: Introducing new products or services, solving problems, creating jobs, and Supporting research and development.


Some types of entrepreneurships include: small business entrepreneurship, Scalable start-up entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, and large company entrepreneurship. What is skills acquisition?Skill acquisition is the process of learning and developing new skills, and can refer to a variety of things, including:In educationThe process of learning new ideas and knowledge over time. This can include learning 21st century skills, such as communication and computer programming.In Maritime This is the process of learning new knowledge, skills and competence in the advancement of the practice of maritime business and practice towards customers satisfaction and expectations respectively.


3. Conclusion.The career building, entrepreneurship and skills acquisition are essential tools and criteria for making candidate employable and relevant in the scheme of the maritime industry.Once again, I thank the organizer for extending the invitation of this program to my humble self. Have a wonderful deliberation.


Best Regards Professor Samuel Olabisi Babatunde.08085804274 or 08090935954.Email: samuelbisi72@gmail.com

Categories: Business News

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