Leave The First Lady Alone

Mallam Idris And His Mafia Gang Of Blood-Thirsty Murderers Omo Wani Kose Pa [By Satguru Maharaj Ji]

The recent demonic call for the murder of the wife of Mr. President, Her Excellency, Distinguished Senator Oluremi Tinubu, is the latest in the emerging satanic verses, which some disgruntled elements in our midst want to use to heat up the polity by any means possible, in order to destabilize the nation.

In sane clime, as a foremost member of Nigeria’s first family, by the grace of the Creator (Satguru Maharaj Ji), the First Lady should be recognized and respected as the “Mother of the Nation” because nature demands that honour should be given to whom it is due.

It therefore, behoves on well-meaning citizens to rise against this abnormality and ensure that the full weight of the law is brought to bear on those behind prodding this hydra-headed monster that, in the end may even consume the perpetrators. There is urgent need to arrest those involved for trial.

The urgent need for action in this regards needs not to be over-emphasized on because currently, from the grapevine insinuations, are awash that forces of failure and their agents who feel threatened by Mr. President’s reform policies to re-engineer the social fabrics of the nation, for the betterment of all, are clandestinely pulling the strings for a possible forceful take-over of the present government, through their henchmen in the military.

The approach towards achieving their evil mandate is multi-dimensional. Those discretely behind the manipulative intrigues to create disaffection between the good people of Nigeria the current administration through mass protest that will lead to a state of anarchy in the land need close monitoring.

Just recently, the Emir of Kano threw to the winds all the protocols regarding his unrestricted access to power and confronted the first lady, who went to pay him homage in Kano with his outrageous comment before the public that she should go and tell her husband that he is punishing Nigerians with hunger and suffering, as if President Tinubu was among the Northern Aristocracy complicit in using the herdsmen from the North plotting to undermine the fundamental human rights of the farmers and Nigerians.

On the heels of such an unbecoming public statement from an Emir came the unholy/unroyal homily from the Sultan of Sokoto, who publicly lamented the incapacitation of Northern leaders to control their subjects on account of suffering and hunger in the land.

On a broad spectrum these acrimonious, but treasonable public out-bursts coming from those who should know better, cannot be said to be isolated, because behind the scene, their interconnectivity is obvious.

The demonic call for the murder of the first lady because she is an infidel or unbeliever by one Muslim cleric, Idris Abdulaziz Dusen Tenshi is the latest salvo coming from the war chest of these neo-colonialist agents who will stop at nothing in order to achieve their ill-conceived born-to-rule birth right syndrome.

Ah! why kill somebody because she/he is a non-believer? If one may ask, non-believer in what? Does the Creator (Satguru Maharaj Ji) need the belief or non-belief of His hand-made to be what He is vis-a-vis relate with His children? The Creator is “Omni Everything” and “Omni Everywhere”. He is within Man and sustain Man every day. As the Silent Listener, He said and keep saying, call Me silently from your heart, through any medium of your choice, and I will answer you”. This implies that He is in everything in creation. He is in the seven elements, namely … Sun, Moon, Star, Air, Water, Fire and Mother Earth. Right inside the food you eat – pepper, tomatoes, rice, etc. He is there and everywhere, any moment any second!

The Creator is Love. He is Light that transcends darkness and when Light comes, darkness disappears!

Mallam Idris and his Mafia gang of blood-thirsty murderers should leave our first lady alone and allow the Supreme Arbitration King of the Universe to judge her. While reminding them that they are failure, because no mortal being can kill her; it is instructive for them to bear in mind that the seed one sows and nurtures in heart today, determines the fruits his body is bound to reap at harvest time! So, he who kills by the sword dies by the sword.

What is the difference between a believer who kills at random over a little argument and the non-believer who staunchly believes in live and let live and the laws of karma and retributive justice.

We were all living witnesses of how MKO the acclaimed winner of 1993 elections was killed. This was later followed by the death of his dear wife and yet those who perpetrated this gruesome murder are roaming the corridors of powers to destabilize all efforts to make all Nigerians live comfortably without rancor.

The injunction in Islam as propounded after the Holy Prophet Mohammed is to take care of your fellow brothers and sisters but for no reason the Holy Books got plagiarized with the insane idea that you must kill the infidels, he should not forget that this refers to the authors carriers of the books who have shamelessly refused to show love and are using mono-cultural values and force to coerce the blackman to acceptance which, in the long run, as at today has proved intolerably dangerous by the day as most Muslims compared with the traditionalist of African nucleus race, are by far below standard ethics of life.

It is in present day Oyinbo controlled politics, science, social or spiritual that those indoctrinated with unsubstantiated scriptures that are not for the blacks, have become destroyers of lives, peoples, families and nations and today, Nigerian blacks are undergoing such intense, trauma caused by believers who lack all the qualities of godliness and would want you to dance to their music of hatred which disregards, hard work, merit, security, honesty, sincerity, brevity and candor.

I am a child of the Creator within me and the Creator directs me, and if for any reason, I am found unfit, He has created Nations and Nation States which thrives by constitutional requirements to be followed and its agencies to interpret the laws therein to ensure that peace and security of lives are guaranteed not by what is wrongly perceived by anybody, otherwise the true position in this case is that the believer lives under pretense and fear with the sole aim of destroying the blacks gradually silently but they have failed.

Unfortunately, it is only in Africa that the people are coerced, manipulated and forced with slush funds to pre-occupy themselves with the illusion of how to make imaginary heaven created by the Oyinbos in the sky and do not care a hoot on what to contribute towards making our world a better place to live in. This self-defeatist mindset of our people is in what the Creator wants to use our current President who is a nucleus child of the Elders of old to reset.

This has become necessary so that those now using insecurity and hunger as their ranting sing-song must tell us where they were when Fulani herdsmen were on prowl across the nation grazing their cows on the toil/sweat of defenseless farmers, sacking agrarian communities, killing some, raping our mothers and daughters and kidnapping many for ransom, unchallenged, by previous administration.

Who is fooling who? Enough is enough! “Divine Koboko” is now dangling from above and about to descend on the heads of trouble shooters who do not want to give peace a chance.

For the avoidance of doubt, the making of the Tinubu Presidency against all odds took everyone by storm. Many are yet to recover from the shock of how he scaled through all conceivable and unconceivable political intrigues fashioned against him indirectly from London led by the Kaduna, Calabar, Ogun, Niger Mafias etc. as well as some media moguls, religious, and elite groups who have become, sad to say, modern days beggars in the midst of abundant power, wealth, human resources, etc while the Patriotic Aristocrats and Elites look with fear due to lack of Spiritual Power of the Creator.

The President should realize that the enviable position he finds himself now is no different from Mahatma Ghandi of India, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana, Sekou Toure of Guinea, Tito of Yugoslavia, Obasanjo, Thomas Sankara, Senghor, Mandela, Patrice Lumumba, etc. who tried but failed to put the black race on the path to total freedom and therefore the need to buckle up by using all powers at your disposal to harness all elements of goodness around him to melt all barriers to lay a strong foundation for Nigeria and Africa, cannot be over emphasized.

We are in the period of Divine accountability because the Divine cannot fold hands and watch hypocritical angels of doom to derail the blackman Nigeria’s manifest destiny as Centre Of World Gravity for saving the world and establishing a new world order right from Nigeria …. The Golden age of Life, full of love and bliss … where the entire human race will embrace themselves as children of one universal father, Satguru Maharaj Ji.

We, therefore, call on him to remain focused on his set agenda because Divine Providence brought him on board on a rescue mission to save the race. In other words, by Satguru Maharaj Ji’s grace, President Tinubu is a Divine instrument to re-write the distorted history of our existence, not only in Nigeria, but Africa and the world at large. The Divine forces of Light now beaming in Nigeria with its highest intensity will surely guide him through to make history where those before him failed. Tinubu will not fail.

Finally, we demand that Mr. President should soothe our hearts by ensuring that retrogressive elements like Mallam Idris Abdulaziz Dusen Tenshi and his co-travelers in mischief are made to face the full weight of the law of the land.


Hence, all are enjoined to give peace a chance in the affairs of the good people of Nigeria, Africa and the world.

My Love and Blessings



Categories: Business News

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