Thirty-two women from Ikorodu have joined the 250 beneficiaries of Nestlé Nigeria’s Empowering Rural Women in Nigeria Project through which Nestlé is helping rural women in Nigeria build financial security to improve their standard of living.
Please find attached press release with details of the induction of the new beneficiaries and the project in general.
This is for your kind wide publication in your reputable media platforms.
Also attached are photographs from the event with corresponding captions.
Photo NRWP 1: Beneficiaries of the project and some trainers in Ikorodu during the induction.
Photo NRWP 2: some beneficiaries of the project showing their display as part of their induction program in Ikorodu.
Thank you.
Bola Audu
Corporate Communications Specialist
Nestlé Nigeria PLC
22/24 Industrial Avenue, Ilupeju
Lagos, Nigeria
+234(0) 805 279 7292
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